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Who are we?


HOPE XXL started in 2009 in the Netherlands. Ten young people from the Liemers region developed the first version of The Liemers List: a long-term vision for the future. Since then, HOPE XXL has grown into an international movement with thousands of young people joining and sharing their ideas. At the HOPE XXL Global Summit, held in January 2015 at the University for Peace in Costa Rica, The Liemers List was finalized by young people from all over the world. Every five years, a conference is organized to evaluate and update The Liemers List. During these conferences, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (Global Agenda) within The Liemers List is also reviewed. The latest conference took place on August 25 and 26, 2022, in The Hague.

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Take a look at
The Liemers List version 6.0 (English)

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